For Sponsors

Potential patients would exist only in statistic? Refer-Me finds and refer them to the closest study site! 

Innovative, web-based platform where the patient data sources are based on hospital (HIS, RIS And General Practicioner (GP) databases.
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Why Refer-Me?
  • Refer-Me integrated patient medical software and self-developed patient referral platform with connected mobile application.
  • Through 132 GPs more than, 42,000 patients data are available and other 300,000 patients data via outpatient clinic netwoork (still increasing).
  • Automatic and continuous patient prescreening based on protocol inclusion and exclusion criteria  - even from feasibility (7/24/365).
  • Medical consultation in every single case before referral and obtaining consent form.
  • Patient referral to the nearest available clinical study site based on the given preference.
  • Patient status monitoring following enrollment ("Lost-To -Follow-Up" cases).